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Frequently asked questions

What is the process from the airport to the quarantine facility? (시설이름으로 후에 대체)

Once you enter the airport you are going to be tested for body temperature. Unless otherwise your body temperature exceeds 37.5 Celsius degree or has mild headache or coughing. If all these check-up shows nothing problematic you will be safely out from the airport and government official will ask you for installation of application for 14 days quarantine. After installation you will be permitted to go to quarantine facility through government designated van (can be reserved through us).


How can I come from airport to the facility?

You can find call van reservation place inside the Korean Incheon international airport and find help and services there to get to our facility.


When is the real starting date of the Quarantine?

The first day of quarantine will be day after you arrive in Korea. For example, if you arrived in Korea and facility in 1st of October your quarantine starts from 2nd of October and ends at 15소 of October 12:00 PM.


What if I go out of quarantine space within the quarantine period?

You will be deported back to your country and can be imprisoned up to a year and pay up to 10 million Korean Won. If you have any inconvenience, please let us know and contact our 24hours online helper.

12:00 AM~12:00 PM (소현) Tel: XXX-XXXX-XXXX, Kakaotalk: XXXX Email:

12:00 PM~12:00 AM (정민) Tel: XXX-XXXX-XXXX, Kakaotalk: XXXX Email:


Can we smoke inside the quarantine place?

By the regulation of government designated quarantine facility.

Nowhere in the building you cannot smoke. You would have to pay fine of_________. we could deliver nicotine supplement if requested.



What do I do if I get sick?

We can help you to get to clinics or hospital if your symptom is severely serious. If you need any help do not hesitate to contact our 24hours online helper.

12:00 AM~12:00 PM (소현) Tel: XXX-XXXX-XXXX, Kakaotalk: XXXX Email:

12:00 PM~12:00 AM (정민) Tel: XXX-XXXX-XXXX, Kakaotalk: XXXX Email:


Where do I get information on Corona management?


You can either ask our 24hours online staff of our facility or go to the Korea government website for information regarding Covid-19 and quarantine.


© 2020 by Education KOREA, Corp. 

(주)에듀케이션코리아  |  Business License: 554-86-01441  |  CEO: Sohyun Park

서울 성동구 동일로 123 선빌딩 2층 240호  |  Tel: +82 70-7757-0215  | Email:  |

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